HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》Han Solo (Mudtrooper) HK$1,430

【獨配 3合 1的極像真韓索羅與 Mudtrooper 頭盔頭雕 足本塑造泥濘地帶的獨有戰鬥兵種】

Hot Toys 為全力支持電影上映,繼推出了《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》主角韓索羅 1:6 比例珍藏人偶後,現參照韓索羅曾加入帝國軍隸屬長期於泥濘地帶作戰的泥沼部隊造型,推出韓索羅 (Mudtrooper) 1:6比例珍藏人偶!

Hot Toys 製作團隊將極像真的韓索羅頭雕與Mudtrooper 頭盔合而為一,軍綠色Mudtrooper 頭盔線條結構設計精細,眼部帶有一副護目鏡、嘴部位置設有一組拱門狀的氣體過濾器;玩家們可除去其嘴部的氣體過濾器和把眼罩移至額頭位置,則可呈現出韓索羅的極像真頭盔頭雕,同時此套人偶更備有一個可替換的髮雕組件,可足本還原一顆由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊參照 Alden Ehrenreich面部輪廓精心打造的韓索羅極像真頭雕,將三款造型集於一身。人偶配用了一個具有 30多個可動關節、高度約 31cm 的可動素體,身穿深綠色長袖上衣與灰色長褲,然後配上一套以軍綠色為主調的頭盔、護甲與軍綠色裝甲長靴,全身護甲微曲呈貼身效果,再飾有泥濘般的舊化塗裝,高度突顯造型細節的視覺層次感;服飾與武器裝備還包括: 一件墨綠色帶有舊化效果的雙層披風、右手上臂上裝有紅色護甲、腰間掛上一條黑色腰帶,以及一把備活動機關的雷射步槍等等,加上合共附有六款造型手掌配件及專用的電影名牌地台,成功將電影《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》中務必會給一眾星戰擁躉帶來新鮮感的韓索羅與 Mudtrooper 集於一身的珍藏人偶,締造全新經典。

【Solo: A Star Wars Story – 1/6th scale Han Solo (Mudtrooper) Collectible Figure 】

In the latest release Solo: A Star Wars Story from Star Wars saga, fans experience an all-new adventure to a galaxy far, far away… with the most beloved scoundrel in the galaxy! Han Solo served as a corporal with the 224th Imperial Armored Division, a new incarnation namely Mudtroopers with partial armor, augmented with respiratory gear and sealed bodysuits for combat in unhealthy environments such as Mimban.
Today, Hot Toys is very excited to present the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Han Solo as Mudtrooper, a brand-new Imperial trooper in the highly anticipated Solo: A Star Wars Story!

The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the appearance of Mudtrooper from Solo: A Star Wars Story. It features a head sculpt with incredible likeness of Han Solo, a newly designed Mudtrooper helmet wearable on head sculpt, impressive armor designs, a newly tailored fabric suit with details, a cape with specially applied weathering effects, a blaster rifle, and a figure stand!